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The Pub Section and the student pub Villan

What is the Pub Section?

Karlskrona's Pub Section is a section under Blekinge Student Union whose mission is to run the student pub Villan. We who are in the section work voluntarily to run the pub and ensure that we students have a place to come to socialize and let loose after a long week of studies. Read more below!

What is the student pub Villan?

Villan is a meeting place for all students at BTH. It is open on Fridays and Saturdays during the semester and offers seating for socializing and studying, food and drinks for student prices and during our Pub Nights we open up the magnificent dance floor. We also host many sittings and other bookings where the only limit is your imagination!

The pub is run by volunteering students at BTH. These invaluable efforts make it possible to offer the campus the cheapest coffee, affordable refreshments, good food that doesn't swallow the entire student budget and a nightclub out of the ordinary.

The student pub belongs to the Karlskrona Pub Section under Blekinge Student Union, and is thus ultimately governed by the members of the union. The Student Union moved from Kårhuset Rotundan in 2018. Our motto is "By students, for students", because if the student pub is to exist today and tomorrow, it needs the commitment of students and it is we who together create the meeting place that we want. It's a changing job with opportunities for personal development and a great way to meet new people while gaining new experiences in a fun way! Translated with (free version)

Tyck till om Villan

Villan är som sagt en mötesplats för alla studenter på BTH. För att alla studenter ska kunna trivas så bra som möjligt på Villan vill vi i Karlskronas Pubsektion veta vad vi kan göra för att uppnå detta till den mån som bara går!

Därför har vi lagt ut ett formulär som är HELT ANONYMT för dig att kunna tycka om och skriva av dig eventuella problem eller annan feedback gällande verksamheten. Klicka på knappen nedan!

Hej jag är ett litet formulär!


Pub Nights

Pub nights are held on Saturdays from 21:00 to 02:00, when we open up our fantastic dance floor for a great party. This is the perfect place to meet students from different programs at BTH in an environment with a strong sense of community at student-friendly prices.

After School

Våra After Schools håller vi på fredagar eller onsdagar mellan kl. 17:00 till 21:00 och erbjuder ett ganska lugnt och skönt häng med god mat och dryck till bra priser för att inviga helgen!

Union Café

Utanför biblioteket på BTH finns Blekinge Studentkårs kårexpedition, där det finns ett kårcafé. På caféet kan man få billigt kaffe och snacks för studentpriser.


Sittings are not usually organised directly by the Pub Section but are largely held at Villan. However, many times it is other parts of Blekinge Student Union that hold the sittings, for example one of our educational associations, which welcome the students to nice dinners with fun surprises!

Do you want to book Villan?

För er som vill använda Villan till ett evenemang är den tillgänglig att boka via följande formulär nedan. Kom ihåg att läsa igenom bokningsreglerna noga. Ifall det skulle vara några frågor går det bra att kontakta oss på

Take me to the form!


Note: The swedish alcohol law

We, like every other pub in Sweden, follow the swedish alcohol law, therefore:

It is forbidden to bring in and consume your own alcoholic beverages in our premises.

It is forbidden to take bought beverages with you out from our premises.

You must not be visibly intoxicated on our premises.

To enter Villan

In addition to always being able to show valid identification*, you should also be:

A student or staff at BTH

Alumn med BSK-stödmedlemskap

 Student samt en medlem i någon SFS-ansluten kår.

(Om du är medlem i BSK har du som gäst gratis inträde på Villan. Däremot, om du är medlem i en SFS-ansluten kår men inte BSK, måste du betala inträde på 40 kr, men behövs ej gästlegitimeras).

* Med giltigt ID innebär legitimationer som är utfärdade av statliga myndigheter. Dessa är:

Swedish driver's license


International ID-card

BTH-kort är INTE en giltig form av legitimation för att komma in.

However, it can still be used to verify if you are a member of the Student Union when you leave you check in at the wardrobe.

Purchase Warning and Purchase freeze

Vid köpvarning får ingen alkoholhaltig dryck köpas.
Gäst som köper alkoholhaltig dryck till en gäst med köpvarning riskerar själv att få liknande varning.

In the event of a purchase freeze, the guest must leave the premises immediately.

The Wardrobe

Outerwear and bags should ALWAYS be hung in the wardrobe! You have no use for them indoors regardless.

We also do not take responsibility for what is left in the wardrobe


This is since the Tobacco Act, the Act (2018:2088) on tobacco and similar products. The Act includes provisions for more smoke-free environments, such as entrances to premises to which the public has access.

Denna lag gör det förbjudet att förbruka tobak inom våra lokaler och i kön till Villan.
Sanktioner kan och kommer tilldelas mot förbrytelser mot detta då vårat alkoholtillstånd kan dras in.

Note: E-cigarettes are included in this.

Read more here


If a guest vomits inside the student pub, they will be charged 400 SEK for the incident.

In case the guest is not in a stable enough condition to pay, an invoice will be sent to the person in question for the event.


Ryckning av nödutgångshandtagen där det inte är nödfall resulterar i en debitering för händelsen. Att behöva spy räknas inte som nödfall.

In case the guest is not in a stable enough condition to pay, an invoice will be sent to the person in question for the event.

For everyone's comfort

  • No form of harassment is accepted on our premises!
  • If the staff thinks you've had too much to drink and shouldn't have any more, it's almost certainly true.
  • Respect our workers! They work for you on a voluntary basis.
  • Glitter is forbidden in these premises! This is because loose glitter can disturb visitors and damage the interior.

Other notes

  • The word of the evenings manager is what counts!
  • Areas marked with staff only are for staff only and are off limits to guests.
  • It is forbidden for guests to go behind the bar, use the elevator or take any other way in or out than through the entrance door.
  • You break it, you buy it. Applies to all forms of vandalism and graffiti.
  • Keep your clothes on, you're not supposed to be a professional underwear model here.
  • Look after our premises and take care of our pub. It's run by students, for students.


Get involved!

It should be easy to get involved with us, we welcome all students to be part of our team! Working at the student pub is not like working at other workplaces, we work with each other, for each other!

You don't need previous work experience to get involved. We'll teach you everything you need to know on the job, either as part of your shift, or via separate training days - keep up to date with these days via our Facebook page. The only thing expected of you is a happy and open attitude, and comfortable shoes to work in.

You can find out more about the different job positions available below:

• Garderob
• Bartender
• Köksansvarig
• Diskplockare
• DJ
• Serveringsansvarig (egen utbildning)

För att du ska känna dig bekväm med att jobba på alla våra olika positioner så anordnar vi i början på höstterminen jobbutbildningar där du får möjlighet att lära dig om allt. När du gått på vår utbildning blir du en Pubhjälte hos oss! Självklart går det även bra att jobba som outbildad jobbare på de flesta positioner.

To sign up for an evening to work at, go to You use the same login as on the student portal.

We are sometimes told that we work for free because we are volunteers, but this is not true.

Working as a volunteer at the student pub means that you contribute to the common good of Karlskrona's students by giving up some of your time. This is of course something we are extremely grateful for, and want to reward in every way. Every shift that you have worked counts. In addition to working and meeting new people, every shift you get benefits, food and free access to coffee, tea and soft drinks during your shift. Once at the end of the term there is also an invitation to a "Thank You" sitting, this is a way for the Pub Section to thank those who have volunteered and food and drink is provided in the form of a sitting. Anyone who has worked five volunteer shifts during the term is welcome.

In addition to these benefits, as a volunteer you have many moments of joy, new friendships, work experience, training and other forms of activities and events to look forward to!

Contact us!

Mail and social media

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us! Via email we will answer as soon as we can, otherwise it is always good to come by at our meetings held every week during the semesters or stop us in the corridors at campus Karlskrona!

Facebook page: Studentpuben Villan

Members of the pub section board:

Ordförande: Anton Helmersson
Vice ordförande: Amir Hindawi
Sekreterare: Moa Prim
Ekonomiansvarig: Viktor Ramström
Inköpsansvarig: Mimmi Sekander, Erik Nilsson & Emilia Olsson
Fastighetsansvarig: Theodor Wallér & Gustaf Lindhqvist
PR- och evenemangsansvariga: Selma Bergström & Nora Levin
Teknikansvarig: Majed Fakhr Eldin
Bokningsansvarig: Ewelina Waniewska
Tema & Jobbansvarig: Oliver Håkansson

Lista över serveringsansvariga

Amir ”Laquazer” Hindawi
Anton ”Antre” Helmersson
Filip ”MrMime” Nyquist
Joel ”Änge” Or
Johannes ”Dåminator” Nordborg
Kalle ”Hyper” Engblom
Lars ”Teyken” Håkansson
Leo ”Kangorroo” Agevik
Linus ”Shawt” Holmström
Linus ”Backen” Krabisch
Love ”<3” Andrén
Malin ”Nino” Ekman
Martin ”Bukkakaduva” Ledel
Mattias ”Lattjo” Nyman
Moa ”Director” Prim
Rasmus ”Deeler” Andersen
Theo ”Fläx” Falk
Theodor ”Intärvall” Rolfsgård Wallér
Viktor ”Svenne” Ramström